Wednesday, June 20, 2018

American Teen Sensation or American Patriot?

Try to imagine a time when life was much more difficult, and kicking back in the recliner, watching TV, surrounded by all the comforts of home after a long day, was not even a fanciful notion. Rather, vigilance and invasion by a foreign entity of your town or home without notice was what was on the mind of freedom seeking people in this country. Even your own home was not a safe space. Sixteen year old Sybil, another young American patriot would have been a strong voice for Liberty in organizations like Turning Point or the Tea Party today, but it was not to be her time. What made her such an asset to the freedom and reform movement anyway? Well Sybil's father was a ranking Colonel who, in a battle situation needed to muster reinforcements to counter an enemy attack while simultaneously planning his defense.

His troops were scattered over a 30-mile loop of country side and he had no mechanized transportation or radio to help facilitate contact. Left with no one to call upon for help, Sybil, the only capable person available to get out a desperate call for help, decided to respond to what she considered to be her call to duty. Without hesitation, Sybil volunteered, in the middle of the night, and in the pouring rain, to get on her horse, `Star`, and ride, and ride she did! In her selfless act of courage, she rode for what seemed an eternity to notify as many as 400 troops who were ready to do battle to defend a lifestyle only dreamed of by true freedom seeking Americans. Modern day Americans have no experience or even a vision of what it would be like to have a foreign influence coming to our shores to battle us, challenging our constitutional rights and freedoms. We live free in part because of the bravery of men and women like Sybil. None of us will ever know the kind of person Sybil was, or what passions she possessed inside that would allow her ride 30 miles, alone, and risk life and limb to warn others of an invading enemy.

She indeed did help to thwart Americans being slaughtered. This time on American soil where there was no safe space for anyone to hide. You see, Sybil Ludington`s time was during the time of another Tea Party and revolution, some 240 years ago. In the night attack, the British did burn Danbury, Connecticut, an important supply depot for the Continental Army, but because of Sybil, many people were ready and escaped death. Sybil`s gutsy ride, and the message she carried is not widely known, but on April 26, 1777, calling out, in the cold of night, with rain blowing in her face, `Muster at Ludington`s! ` was indeed significant. It was not at all unlike Paul Revere`s ride. Today, Sybil`s heroism is memorialized with only a poem written by American poet Berton Braley, commemorating her historic ride, and a bronze statue, that stands honoring her bravery and passion for freedom, in Carmel, New York.

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